Watchface Designer

Yes . You are correct . Step count can be recorded with and without a clockskin


Hello there. Just need to ask something. You said you are not into photoshop thats why you designed this software. Can you help me understand this better? I mean with photoshop I can design various elements. But how can I get it to animate and also make the watch functions work as we want and how to save them in the file format supported by the android watches? Am trying to understand the whole scene here. As am a designer by profession I want to get the basics of face design.

Here is a video about how to use it:
-From Zero to Finished WatchFace - YouTube


you can use WatchFaceDesigner even if you make the graphics in Photoshop, or you can use ClockSkinMaker if you prefer


hi everyone,

on my next watchface i have a problem.
I want to use circular 12 hours with angle span of 160 and displaying curent tick only. But when i save it, and open it my hour format is in 24 h instead of 12h format.
Any explication???

Have you tried your clockskin with Universal Launcher ?

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no i don’t have it

Give it a go . You can switch from 12h to 24h

i tried but same prob.

Edit: Pb solved, i use a hand layer.

But because I can’t download the program, it breaks everything down and I can’t find the file. exe

There’s no exe, it’s a java application. It’s a jar.


You have to install Java to make it work.

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Here is Java.

Ok but when I downloaded the program the file Unzipped and 5 files came out that’s why. They were the only way to be able to download the program.

Have you read the details about how to use this app?
You really need to read and only ask when you absolutely don’t understand.


Good morning Yes I solved thanks, this is an old post.

Yes @bgm I realise it was 11 days ago - all good :+1:

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hey, thank you for this amazing program!!
What is the latest version out? i found the link for the 14.2 beta and just wondered if there is an update?

Also im having trouble getting gif’s to import correctly and show on the watch properly - I have a Lemfo Lem7 with stock launcher

Thank you!

No updates, sorry. The beta is the newest verIon. I’m using both versions, because the beta has some bugs.

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Are you the guy who emailed me about this?
Using an Android 8.1 watch?