Watch sends commands to mobile phone(stable way)

First you need to be able to use
1 ,watch droid phone (mobile) 2 ,watch droid assistant(watch)
3 ,Connect 1 and 2,This way the watch can receive message stably
,An app that needs to receive information on the watch,AutoNotifaction Need to check(The mobile need tasker and autoNifaction Plugin app)
Tasker and autoNotifaction need to be used below(mobile)

Create a task selection plugin autoNotifaction
replay action:watchSendToMobbile
replay label:test
Running this task, watch droid assistant will receive a message,and can reply,If you reply this won’t be seen message on your phone
Create a configuration task
Select autoapps plugin
1,Command Filter:watchSendToMobbile
done ,
Corresponding tasks—creat a toast :%aacomm

If you reply to a message on your watch at this time, you will see the message you sent displayed on your phone.

All done, you can send commands through the watch for any task you want to perform