Vwar watchfces install


I bought a Vwar S7 ultra 4g, it’ s a goog Watch but i want to install some other watchfaces that i used in my lemfo lem 12, i don’ t want to change the Launcher.

Is this possibile??

It’s not a fullandroid watch. Sorry…
Edit: The Doctor is right. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is mate. I have just bought one :joy::+1:

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I havent opened mine as yet but i would say no unless you use universal launcher. I’ll let you know


Hi Dr Vishnu,

any news about watchfaces?

To be honest i have had a different christmas to usual. I havent opened it as yet. I will try today


I can confirm clockskins will not work with this A8.1 watch without universal launcher. However i can confirm all google apps work and SYNC which is impressive.


Ok, thank you for your confirm…

Can i ask you why it’s impossible?
I’m just asking out of curiosity, it’s a full android watch, why can’t it be?

Thanks Dr.

A8 on these watches is a butchered version of android and to make it worse there are different versions of A8. This one seems one of the best ( especially working with google ) . Sadly the option for clockskins and developer options is removed.

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Ok…thanks :relieved:

Vwar 7ultra 4g solution available. What kind of laucher are you talking about?

Yes it possible. Search for universal launcher on this forum

Universal Launcher is very well made and has many good features but in this smartwatch it creates problems for me.

For example the widgets disappear every time I restart the phone and often the Launcher asks me to be restarted…

I tried to uninstall it and reinstall it but nothing changed. I also tried different versions…same problem.

Now i’ m using the default Launcher…

Because there are so many versions of butchered A8.1 firmware and @Eric_Crochemore no longer updates UL it is what it is