Vault Boy...Pip-Boy... Fallout 4... get your perk here!

Vault Boy…Pip-Boy… Fallout 4… get your perk here!.. and as it’s Halloween month I thought that I’d include the “Bloody Mess Perk”…

As a different way of raising Community funds, rather than a donations link, this is a pay-for-download watchskin… send your payment via Paypal - put “Pip-Boy” in the subject box - and I’ll send you the download (to the email account associated with your account)…
“Have a day”…

Layout design by Andrew Davis

Paypal link -


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really nice:)

If you don’t like this WF, look what’s going to happen to you!

Такое фуфло даром не нужно!

@Sher_Akiloff семье́ не без уро́да…

Very nice and complete. Is it animated?

Hi andrew! I’ve seen your works and I love them! I have two requests for you…one is the classic mickey watchface (the “steve jobs” one) with foot moving…another one is the super mario bros watchface, similar to the pebble one ( …can you do something? Thanks, keep up the good work!

@Diego_Torres It has a modest amount of animation… :wink:

семье́ не без уро́да… Вот именно! Вы всё про себя правильно поняли!

@Christian_Pisano Hi CP… thank you for your comments… I’m not doing requests (unless it looks like a new and challenging project)… but have a look at these…

@Sher_Akiloff Говори меньше, умнее будет…

@Sher_Akiloff Be happy :slight_smile:

@Andrew_Davis thank you andrew for your advices! The mario one seems challeging enough, but it’s your choice of course :wink: thanks mate, you’re an artist!

@Andrew_Davis ​ I can’t use the link in the description to donate. It said ‘Unluckily, is not available in your country…’
missing/deleted image from Google+

Sent :wink: Thank you @Andrew_Davis

@Diego_Torres Hi… I’ve sent you TWO watchskins… let me know if they’re okay :slight_smile:

NICEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love the Vegas one :wink: . Thank you @Andrew_Davis

@Diego_Torres Everybody likes a surprise present :slight_smile:

Andrew Davis! Excuse me for not correct expressions in your address. I thank you for ClockSkin. Unfortunately the composition completely doesn’t hold and the animated flame isn’t visible. Not it is clear why in “cellar” the image of Aeroflot of the USSR is inserted? I am a graphic designer. I have many works of professional quality. I am ready to provide some works to you, for creation of new ClockSkin. I wish you success.
With best regards,

Андрей! Извините меня за не корректные выражения в Ваш адрес. Благодарю Вас за ClockSkin. К сожалению композиция полностью не вмещается и анимированное пламя не видно. Не понятно, зачем в “подвале” вставлено изображение Аэрофлота СССР? Я графический дизайнер. У меня много работ профессионального качества. Я готов предоставить некоторые свои работы Вам, для создания новых ClockSkin. Желаю Вам успехов.
С уважением
А. Акилов

Москва - Moscow, а не Mockba!
Moscow - Moscow, but not Mockba!