Van Cleef & Arpels - Pont des Amoureux

Terrific! Send me a link when you finish it…

:open_mouth: could/would you do it?

Ask @G1NT0N1C, I’m unable to do it…

Unfortunately I don’t have time to make watchfaces at the moment.
I also have to say that there are watches that excite me more.
So: maybe later, not now.

I understand, thanks anyway! Gonna wait paciently :). Could i create a thread on requests, maybe somebody that has time and know how to do would have a take on it?

Of course, go for it.


Did you see this one? Something you may like…

truely amazing, you have such a touch for this kind of watchefaces! Thanks! Have you tried more Van Cleef & Arpels watches?

No, but you might like this one:

i did indeed! It’s quite a beautiful watch!

I’ll give it a try! I hope to have something in a couple of weeks. It will be in “.watch format” requiring Universal Launcher.


YEY ! im so happy somebody will give it a try! Thank you so much! Maybe you can use the work done by @doubledad (with his permission) and spare some time on photoshop, although i think the rim needs to go in order to get some space in the middle.

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I don’t want to push my luck, but would it be possible to automatically play a song during the kiss? Like liebestraum (Franz Liszt)?

Yes, I can do that but only for about 15 seconds of the song.

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Only 15 seconds? Then you’ll have to play it faster! :joy:

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@NoEdition_Games By the way, you can easily eliminate the diamond bezel in this @doubledad version by adjusting the screen scaling factor in Universal Launcher.

Hi ! Can i choose a music piece? Could it also have a button to stop (if somebody wants to stop it). Also, just out of curiosity, why the 15s limit? Thanks!

I said that the would be better if the diamond rim were deleted in order to get space in the middle for the kiss :slight_smile:. @G1NT0N1C already created one without the bezel and with the a gap in the middle ready for the kiss ( you can find that watchface on my other topic regarding this watch)

Well, I haven’t created it. There are different versions. And it’s a 100% copy from this version:

You’ll find it here:

-Pont des Amoureux, Van Cleef & Arpels - original movement


@NoEdition_Games I’ve already incorporated the first 17 seconds of the liebestraum (Franz Liszt) piece you suggested into the watchface version I’m working on, and it’s a great addition! For the 3-minute kiss, I repeat it a number of times for the duration of the kiss. The app I use to create the watchface, “WatchMaker”, has a functional limit of about 6 secs for an mp3 file. So I created 3 different 5-6 sec mp3 files that play sequentially to get me the 17-seconds. I’ve also added a tap-action button for an on-demand kiss (with a pause in the approach), like the real watch has, and this one will also play the 17-second music piece (once). In both cases, the user has the option to have the kiss music set to on or off. I’m adding some other goodies too. Should be done soon.