Hi all. I am trying to install MS-Outlook in my Ticwris Max, and because it is a corporate account, I need to install Microsoft Intune to impose corporate security rules. But Intune can´t go forward as it says the factory Android 7.1.1. is unrooted. I tried Magisk and TWR to mask unroot without success (maybe I did not know how to). Does anybody know how to “unroot” factory Android from TicWris Max? Not sure even if stock Android will work properly. Thank you.
had you actually rooted it when you got that message?
Opps. by the way i just noticed I wrote a wrong information. “Hi all. I am trying to install MS-Outlook in my Ticwris Max, and because it is a corporate account, I need to install Microsoft Intune to impose corporate security rules. But Intune can´t go forward as it says the factory Android 7.1.1. is unrooted” . Actually I can´t install Intune because it says the factory Android IS ROOTED, so Intune indicates I need to UNROOT it in order to have it installed. Not even sure if there if there is a STOCK android for TicWris Max…
Hey, how are you. Greetings from Brazil. So, no, I did not root the Watch. It is at factory settings, that shows Android 7.1.1. But when you ran any Root checker, it says that the factory Android is rooted (I am not an expert, but I believe that it is right, afterall there are a lot fo customizations in the interface that makes me believe that Ticwris needed to root the Android to accomodate those changes)…
Unfortunately Google does not authorize these watches. So when an app does a security check with a Google SafetyNet check it fails. A common way a device fails this test is if it is rooted so a lazy app will report it as rooted even if the cause was other than rooting such as in these watches.
So I’m sorry to say you likely won’t be able to do what you wanted.
Tks for your comments, at the end I kind of knew that, mainly if we consider TicWris Max (or Lemfo Lem T), they are “in the middle” - it is not a full smartphone nor a single Watch…