Unbricked Finow X5 Air without flashing

I know this is a long shot but i bricked my X5 Air last night and spent hours trying to get back on ( screen was locked with Finow logo ) . This is what worked :-

Hold bottom button then hold middle button at same time . Let go of middle button when menu appears . Then let go off bottom button

In menu there is a section saying " Clear … " . Clear this then reboot from menu .

I then left watch for about twenty minutes and it factory reset and came back on ? No idea how …

Hope it works


Thanks for this post. I have an X5 Air being shipped, and I am going to probably need this when I eventually Brick the thing.

HaHa . Go for it :+1:

This works! Bricked my X5 air and did this. Got into the system menu and “Cleared Emmc”. left watch connected to power overnight. In morning had reset itself. working now. Lost data but at least don’t havd to flash.

Dec 15, 2017 10:01:29 GMT 1 rupene said:
This works! Bricked my X5 air and did this. Got into the system menu and "Cleared Emmc". left watch connected to power overnight. In morning had reset itself. working now. Lost data but at least don't havd to flash.

I Am Legend :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Dec 10, 2017 4:58:05 GMT 1 techaddict said:
Thanks for this post. I have an X5 Air being shipped, and I am going to probably need this when I eventually Brick the thing.

Read post below !!!

Brick away :+1::+1::+1::+1: