TWRP Lem 9 ported

Hi guys I am very beginner in the world of smartwatch and my first watch is lemfo lem 9. I see that this watch is misunderstood. When I found this forum I thought I would find information to be able to root my watch, but whenever someone has asked about it nobody has answered. I don’t know the support of this watch and there are no TWRP websites for this watch (i didn’t see) .Yes TWRP for MTK6739, if TWRP for 7.1, yes for other watches, but I don’t see anything about LEM9 (specifically ). Well, I set out that my first forum topic would not be a doubt, it would be a contribution.

TWRP Recovery para Lemfo Lem 9:

  • The original recovery is from the IQI I8. I used image kitchen to carry my Lem 9. I have read many forums, topics and tutorials (too many…). I didn’t want to turn my watch into a stone.

  • Only you have to flash the recovery with SP Flash, transfer or SuperSu to root, adb reboot recovery and when you flash to root you install the app called Reboot to restart in TWRP without adb.

