This is my first forray into smartwatches, so bear with me on this. I have extensive experience with Android OS in general, but not for the version 7 on this watch.
Some notifications seem to wake the screen, and even though they have disappeared, the screen is now awake until the timeout that you can set (up to 30 minutes). The ones that I see quickly peek and disappear are from SystemUI. The other is WirelessUpdate, which occurs when charging (not as big a deal, as this one is not randomly occurring).
Also, is there a way to turn the screen off quickly after a notification occurs, say 5-10 seconds max, versus using the screen timeout value that is set for the overall operating system? I can’t seem to find that setting anywhere.
Thank you for any and all help and advice!
Can’t really do that while asleep now can I?
It’s now getting to the point of annoyance, having “no notifications” screen on when glancing at the watch, and the app causing this is not listed in the notifications section of settings.
Is it an important app causing it, you can otherwise block all notifications from this app in your phone apps setting?
as I take you refer to the wiiwatch 2 app when you say “it’s not listed”.
Feb 4, 2019 15:02:27 GMT j0ch3nk said:
Is it an important app causing it, you can otherwise block all notifications from this app in your phone apps setting?
as I take you refer to the wiiwatch 2 app when you say "it's not listed".
It is not the wiiwatch 2 app - it was not installed on the watch. All apps that I see creating notifications I have disabled. The “apps” that are creating notifications are system apps, with the little green android icon. As these are not visible in the settings menu to enable or disable notifications, there seems to be nothing I can do at this point. The app is un-labeled in the notification area, which makes it tricky to figure out which one is causing this by just browsing installed system apps.
I “force stop” apps automatically such as the System UI and Wireless Update, which stops notifications from those altogether unless I am taking the watch off of charging, which is fine then since I am looking at it to switch the screen off.
I was looking into blocking all notifications, but that requires putting the watch on “silent mode”, which would also mute all call and text audio alerts, which I do not want. If this is the only way to do it, I guess I could configure a separate program to play their own notifications that are not tied to the operating system… but that is going around your leg to scratch your nose!
I have successfully modified the WiiWatch2 app in order to show system apps, so I can deactivate system app notifications, eg. Google Maps.
It can’t be a target solution, tho.
Feb 6, 2019 14:00:04 GMT marioerased said:
I have successfully modified the WiiWatch2 app in order to show system apps, so I can deactivate system app notifications, eg. Google Maps.
It can't be a target solution, tho.
Nice! Interesting concept using the WiiWatch2 app to do this! After initially uploading stuff to the watch, I used Wi-Fi transfer apps for faster speeds and left WiiWatch in the dust.
I’m guessing you created a custom .apk to accomplish this?
Do you see any system apps that were causing notifications in your search for deactivating notifications? (I’m not talking about Google apps like Maps or Play Store, but the actual Android “Operating System”). It is one of these “apps” that is causing the screen wake for me that I have not managed to narrow down yet.
Feb 7, 2019 17:44:32 GMT soontobemember said:
Feb 6, 2019 14:00:04 GMT marioerased said:
I have successfully modified the WiiWatch2 app in order to show system apps, so I can deactivate system app notifications, eg. Google Maps.
It can’t be a target solution, tho.
Nice! Interesting concept using the WiiWatch2 app to do this! After initially uploading stuff to the watch, I used Wi-Fi transfer apps for faster speeds and left WiiWatch in the dust.
I’m guessing you created a custom .apk to accomplish this?
Do you see any system apps that were causing notifications in your search for deactivating notifications? (I’m not talking about Google apps like Maps or Play Store, but the actual Android “Operating System”). It is one of these “apps” that is causing the screen wake for me that I have not managed to narrow down yet.
Yes, I created a custom .apk and now I can se ALL apps on the phone, including all system pakages. Anyway I don’t have any other app that were causing unwanted notification or screen wakes. Do you want to try the .apk?
here’s a screenshot:
Feb 8, 2019 8:56:16 GMT marioerased said:
Feb 7, 2019 17:44:32 GMT soontobemember said:
Nice! Interesting concept using the WiiWatch2 app to do this! After initially uploading stuff to the watch, I used Wi-Fi transfer apps for faster speeds and left WiiWatch in the dust.
I’m guessing you created a custom .apk to accomplish this?
Do you see any system apps that were causing notifications in your search for deactivating notifications? (I’m not talking about Google apps like Maps or Play Store, but the actual Android “Operating System”). It is one of these “apps” that is causing the screen wake for me that I have not managed to narrow down yet.
Yes, I created a custom .apk and now I can se ALL apps on the phone, including all system pakages. Anyway I don’t have any other app that were causing unwanted notification or screen wakes. Do you want to try the .apk?
here’s a screenshot:
I can see all the system apps with the 3C Toolbox - the problem is which one to disable the notifications with! :lol:
Yes, I would love to try out your .apk you created in the near future. Right now a very strange thing happened with the watch upon reboot this morning… Seems like some of my utilities lost permissions and access to force quit applications, which is very odd since the OS hasn’t been touched, unless an over the air update was made without my consent or knowledge.
Feb 9, 2019 15:24:38 GMT soontobemember said:
Feb 8, 2019 8:56:16 GMT marioerased said:
Yes, I created a custom .apk and now I can se ALL apps on the phone, including all system pakages. Anyway I don’t have any other app that were causing unwanted notification or screen wakes. Do you want to try the .apk?
here’s a screenshot:
I can see all the system apps with the 3C Toolbox - the problem is which one to disable the notifications with! :lol:
Yes, I would love to try out your .apk you created in the near future. Right now a very strange thing happened with the watch upon reboot this morning… Seems like some of my utilities lost permissions and access to force quit applications, which is very odd since the OS hasn’t been touched, unless an over the air update was made without my consent or knowledge.
here you can download my modifed apk:
sorry for being late!