Touchscreen not good and other...

Good morning, I have received my Lemfo Les1, but I have some problem and ask your help. First the touchscreen is not good. When I touch something on the screen the touch is not where I want touch. An other problem is for the notification that I not receive. At last I do not find Wiiware. Someone can help me ? Thank you.

You should check your FW version, but that watch is old, so you’re probably already on the latest.

Feb 8, 2019 7:42:23 GMT mabasoft said:
Good morning, I have received my Lemfo Les1, but I have some problem and ask your help. First the touchscreen is not good. When I touch something on the screen the touch is not where I want touch. An other problem is for the notification that I not receive. At last I do not find Wiiware. Someone can help me ? Thank you.

Just curious. What are you doing when you touch the screen and have the issue? Does it occur on every screen, all the time?  Wiiware? Do you mean WiiWatch? WiiWatch is the connection app you would use with Android 5.1 watches. It is available in the Play Store or here on apk.pure. WiiWatch App