Tool to see the state of USB connections - USBDeview

I am not tied to the software or its author in any way at all.    Just a user…
I have been modifying and replacing the android software on tablets and phones for many years.    This my first smart watch.    This does ‘not’ mean I am smart or good at it !
This viewer lets me see that I have a connection or not.    It can clean up - remove and disconnect usb stuff too.
If I mess around with one brand of phone or tablet, the older usb connection will sometimes stay and ‘get in the way’ of setting up a new connection.
This viewer lets me see the usb: name, desc, type, serial number, created, last plugged in, vendor, etc . . .
Being an ‘obsessive compulsive’ personality type, I’ll use this tool to go in and remove the old connections ( with a right click & uninstall)  before trying my luck at starting a new session.

Jul 23, 2017 19:46:39 GMT 1 lon said:
