Ticwris Max S orientation issues

Hi guys,

I’ve taken the time to write to the after sales service at Ticwris regarding the camera orientation issues we are facing with the Max S.

I suggested that the camera should follow the app orientation, meaning that using an app to control the orientation would make it totally usable on the left arm or on the right arm.

Right now, the camera is always shifted by 90 degrees when using an orientation manager, making Snapchat or TikTok unusable on this device.

The same issue was also on the Max, and I was hoping that it would have been fixed with the Max S.

I’ll update as I get feedback from them.

Have a great day!


Worth a shot.
Although I didn’t really have a huge use for the camera, I found the issue quite frustrating at times. Hopefully, you’ll get a worthwhile reply. :+1:

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I reached over AliExpress, their website and also on Twitter.

Still nothing but I’ll wait next week to try another again.