I do have now the second Thor watch, the new one is a Pro 4 G, with brown leather strap.
The charging is different to my first on, not a bracket anymore. now is a straight row of 4 contacts with two magnets, one at each end.
I have forgotten to disconnet the watch overnight, and the next morning this contact cabel has melted.
No contact anymore. I have ordered 3 months+ ago a new cabel in China (Banggood). It never arrived in Namibia.
Does someone by luck know, where I can get a cabel like on the picture, i.e. in Europe? My brother lives in Germany, from there to Namibia its a safe way.
service@zeblaze.com and be prepared to pay up to 5 usd with paypal. send them inquiry.
I would open the back to check for possible shorting; the cable did not melt for no reason.
That’s dangerous… isn’t there any protection circuit on the battery of these watches??
When I took off the watch from the cable it was working for a day, as usual. .
Do you mean I have to open the whole back plate, with the 4 screws?
My feeling is that the watch was fully loaded and than overheated.
But thanks for the email. And 5 US is nothing, to get my Thor 4G back to work
It is even possible, that I have damaged the cable by taking it off from the watch and the cable head was still ok at this moment.
I only realized the damage when I tried to put the watch on the charger. This one and a half day the cable was connected via USB.
I have contacted Zeblaze now, will keep you informed.
And thanks for the help.
possibly. watch shouldn’t overheat in such way that it melts cables
Just got an automatic reply from China: 70 Years of China = 7 days public holiday.
The will be back in office on the 8th. . Lets see.
If someone is interested in the link from Aliexpress, here it is:
Wow, In Namibia is still the 7th, and from Zeblaze in China already a reply, Amelie.
Very friendly, with a link to Aliexpress.
But I still try to get one from either South Africa or within Europe.
Post from China will not arrive in Windhoek.
I will now deal with Amelie.
After months now a light at the horizon.
The charging cable (s) are finally in Namibia. I have ordered 2 from AliExpress to Germany.
Thanks to my brother in Germany, these cables finally made the way via a helpful tourist to Namibia where they arrived on Monday.
Now I can use my Thor Pro 4 again.
The only problem *(still) is the “flat tyre” screen.