Thor Firmware Update

Having read all the threads and watched the help Videos can someone please clarify if I can process the Firmware Update using Windows Vista?

Thanks   Chris

As long as you have proper USB drivers installed and FlashTool that runs on your system then yes you can

cant get device to connect to pc even with the tools driver pack installed when it boots to charge with balloons thats when it disconnects…

Any fix to remote play error…wiiwear always shuts down !!!

Jul 26, 2017 9:59:16 GMT 1 suprabock said:
Any fix to remote play error....wiiwear always shuts down !!!!

have you done an update recently?

Yes, i went to Latest Thor FW Z10-KY-V10-20170628…thats when the errors started!!!

Jul 27, 2017 9:47:42 GMT 1 suprabock said:

try reseting the watch and see if it helps.

Nop…tried it 2 times already!!!Same issue always

Where i get tutorial flashing firmaware…?