Can you please update your post with credit links please
Images of clockskins would also be go so users can see your work
Request access is also needed ?
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Its that correct way to share the image sir? Sorry im new here.
Nearly there. The files still need permission from you before users can download ?
Change to " anyone with link can download "
As for previews . Try and load the images directly into your post ( look at other users posts )
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Okay sir, already update. If anything wrong just informed.
Anyone here i can refer to make digital dail watchface code .xml file?
These look awesome. Thanks
Its sometimes worth downloading clockskins and seeing how others do them ( if thats what you mean ) ?
Yes but still learning the code and code align for those file. 
Hard to find elsewhere square watchface nowdays
Looks really cool! We’ll need some more square faces, I guess. 
Yes sir, hope soon more design coming from other.