This is a Proof-of-Concept watch of a new functionality I'm adding to WFD:

@Nicholas_Herczeg Great. Let’s hope I can release it soon :slight_smile:

@Marco_Ferreira Is there a way to create custom battery icons? One of my OCRemix watches is a Doom album and I wanted to use the face sprites to show the battery level as health. I wanted to use like 5-6 sprites to represent the various levels.

I know that cfd has an array system, but I don’t know how to utilize it. @G1NT0N1C , you said you explored wfd a lot. Any ideas?

I can make a png with all the sprites, but I don’t know what to do from there. I want them to be low-res like the original game.

@Nicholas_Herczeg Create the images you want. Ideally, it will be 11 images, but can be less. Create a DigitalClock Layer, select Clock Type to Battery Level and use those images for the digits (with 9 being almost full, 1 being almost empty - see full and empty below). Then, on Image Scale, select “Crop to Size” and select 400x400 as the width and height. The second “digit” of the battery level should be centered, the 1st digit (in case of 100% battery level) is to the left of the watch and invisible and the 3rd digit will be to the right of the watch and invisible, so you only see the images you defined for the battery level, changing a different image for 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%. If you put a full battery on digit 0 and an empty battery on Special digit, then you’ll have empty battery at 0% and full battery at 100%. If you need to move the battery from the center, then either draw the original images off center or move the layer, but increase the crop width/height so that the left and right parts remain outside the visible part.

@Marco_Ferreira Can they be animated or do they have to be static? In the game the character has 3-4 frames of his head looking around for each damage level.

@Nicholas_Herczeg On the next version, they can be animated. On version 0.13 they can’t because there is no support for animated digits. Nice idea on the Doom face as power indicator :slight_smile:

@Marco_Ferreira Maybe I’ll wait for 0.14 to put out that face. I still have a bit of work to do on the other faces. I’m trying to get 5-6 good faces to put out. I’ll save the Doom one for last. Plus I have the founder and remixer faces to do for their site.

thanks for the cut

@Attila_Beke the cut???

Hello, congratulations for your creations sonotutte very beautiful … I wanted to ask you why some of your creations when the patterns are not well positioned some drawings. Thank you

Very nice i like the color,thank you