I have recently become interested in IQI I8. On alibaba.com I found their website with descriptions of this and other smartwatch. However, as I noticed yesterday, their site disappeared. It should be there: iqi.en.alibaba.com/ But there is an error 404. There is a cache copy of website (few days old): www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q = & ESRC = s & source = web & cd = 2 & ved = 2ahUKEwjtj4HN1ZjfAhVio4sKHYUFB6AQIDABegQIAxAE & url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwebcache.googleusercontent.com% 2Fsearch 3Fq%%% 3Dcache 3AByLFlmWkjNoJ% 3Ahttps% 3A% 2F% 2Fiqi.en.alibaba.com% 2F% 2B% 26cd % 3D2% 26hl% 3Dpl 26ct%%% 3Dclnk 26gl 3Dpl%%% 26client 3Dfirefox-b & ultrasound = AOvVaw26SUcZ4LEuzM7M5i3XGgVu
Is it a coincidence or something wrong with the company? I wanted to buy I8, but if the company disappeared, I’m afraid of not updating the software. Sonia, maybe you know something about situation?
Dec 11, 2018 22:21:55 GMT 1 dreq said:
iqi is the manufecturer of the watches and they still exist:) you do'nt have to worry about buying their watch it gets all the technical support here and software updates.
Can you recommend a seller? I found a few on Aliexpress and on Ebay. However, there are big differences in price, between $110 to $140.
Dec 12, 2018 10:12:51 GMT 1 dreq said:
Can you recommend a seller? I found a few on Aliexpress and on Ebay. However, there are big differences in price, between $110 to $140.
Ebay always were more expensive than aliexpress my suggestion is to go with one that has better reviews on aliexpress.
Dec 12, 2018 18:08:29 GMT 1 soniasophie9697 said:
Dec 12, 2018 10:12:51 GMT 1 dreq said:
Can you recommend a seller? I found a few on Aliexpress and on Ebay. However, there are big differences in price, between $110 to $140.
Ebay always were more expensive than aliexpress my suggestion is to go with one that has better reviews on aliexpress.
But… I’ve found cheaper on Ebay That’s why I wanted to ask for a verified seller.
better on aliexpress i’ll check with whom IQI works:)