Hey. Do you guys happen to know any watches that have rectangular screens? My Lemfo lem T unfortunately got damaged and I don’t want to buy it again and am looking for another smartwatch. I am looking for something with the following specifications:
-Min. 4GB RAM
-32,64,128gb ROM
-A 2.1 to 2.5 inch screen.
The Ticwris Max S is a nice watch, but Android 7.
There is a appl (or something) watch with a bad version of Android 9, which is not supported here. I am not aware of any good rectangular watch with Android 9 or higher. As a matter of fact I am myself waiting for such a watch.
It is also the fact it is really fat… Needs to be slimmer. If they can fit a phone into a watch surely they can make a phone like the Jelly 2 that size but slimmer.