Someone had to give it a shot... Poké Ball...

Someone had to give it a shot… Poké Ball… less is more but it does have a glowing ring around the button (thank you +Tim Costello - Hal9000)…

Feel free to download and to add your own touches…

Ah crap! I just started to making similar one. Never mind ill do something different then :smiley:

@Aydin_Aleydin Don’t stop… everybody likes something different :slight_smile:


Must… resist… pok… é… mon…
It’s government mind control you know. You think it’s a coincidence that it looks like HAL9000, Dave?

@Andrew_Somers Resistance is futile… you are part of the collective, One of Two…

Ahahaha I was doing one too… But I like your font better

The more Poke Balls we have the better chance we have of catching one :wink: