Mr Ticks noticed in one of his comparison videos between an I4 Pro and an I4 Air that the watchfaces on his I4 Air were off center to the left. See here.

Mine are not off center and the only difference between my watch and his, as far as we know is the firmware. His firmware is a later date than mine.
Mr Ticks firmware: Kernel: Wed Aug 16 2017 Build: 20170815
My firmware: Sun Aug 6 23:20:21 CST 2017 Build: 20170806
Just curious to see if the firmware difference is where the problem lies.
If others with an I4Air could post their firmware information here and whether they
are having the same problem, maybe we can find the source of this issue.
I have elected not to upgrade my firmware until I know more. I don’t know the reason for the
firmware update.
Doesn’t look off centered but more like the screen is rotated. That’s an issue we already seen.
Not being familiar with that problem I did a search and most of the posts I found and was able to understand had more to due with watchfaces that had a design flaw causing them to display off center or rotated to the left.
In this case both watches displayed in the video and mine as a reference are running the Main Activity or standard launcher and the same watchfaces display differently in the one watch. This would tend to rule out a problem with the watchface itself. Again the only known difference between the watches is the firmware.
I was attempting to determine if others having the same firmware as Mr. Ticks, or even a different firmware, also have the problem and if the problem only occurs in those I4Air’s with a certain firmware. A few owners of I4Air’s responded to the video and several of them noticed they also had the issue but their firmware’s were not identified.
I’m asking owners of the I4 Air to post here if their watchfaces appear normal or off center and what firmware they are running.
Mine is a I4 Pro and it is definitely rotated. It is not firmware...displays only display one way unless you have an app that has a rotation setting which is very unusual.

Jan 6, 2018 21:46:09 GMT 1 daviddara said:
Mine is a I4 Pro and it is definitely rotated. It is not firmware...displays only display one way unless you have an app that has a rotation setting which is very unusual.
The watch in Mr. Ticks display that had the rotated watchface was the I4 Air and not the Pro. You are running a later firmware dated 20170921 and it sure looks to me like both your displays are slightly rotated to the left as was the case with Mr. Ticks watch, it affected all displays, if I remember right. Also cdynu is running I4Air firmware dated 20170921 and his display is ok. Mr. Ticks firmware was 20170815 in the I4 Air.