Since i am a fan of Blade Runner i had to make this one.

Since i am a fan of Blade Runner i had to make this one.
Also a wink to Deckhards favourite drink and a whizzing Spinner that floats along slowly at the bottom of the face.

Movie credits to directors Ridley Scott and Denis Villeneuve

Download the watchface here:


At last Blade Runner 49! :slight_smile: Thank You for such a nice gift!

I already downloaded the faces to my pc. How do I now install it on my kw88 ???
Need some special app ??

No not at all.
Easy: Connect your KW88 to computer and create a folder named “ClockSkin”(ThisComputer\KW88\Phone storage\ClockSkin)
Unzip/unpack the downloaded file to this folder ClockSkin.
Restart your watch and you wil be able to select it.