Simple watch face with no animation

Looking for a simple face for the Kospet O2 which shows the time only - no date, no second hand, no steps, no blinking or animation, etc.
Aim is to have a face which uses the least battery possible - has anyone come across such a face?


Tap the screen over and over


I made one long ago for the ultimate in battery saving. It’s not very useful though.
I’m sharing this watchface to be used with Universal Launcher’s new “always on” feature - Round Custom Faces / Universal Launcher faces - Full Android Watch


If the watch has an AMOLED display, it doesn’t matter if you have a simple or complex dial. All the points are lit there. Even black glows ‘black’. So it drains the battery just as fast

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The Kospet Optimus 2 is an IPS screen I believe, not sure how/if animations will affect the battery life?

animation drains the battery faster
if you want to save battery and don’t want a pretty watch face, it’s better to switch the watch to ‘Power Save’

In fact, a dark watchface saves power if the watch uses an AMOLED display. Unfortunately, there are almost no watches with AMOLED anymore. Here is one of the few exceptions:


Unfortunately it is an older model with Android 7 and only 1/16GB. But one was really good watch.


@Louis_Peek You, my scrambled friend, are a down right menace! :woozy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: (And Louis, like you I can’t believe that someone wanted to download it!) Cheers, “Like Louis, the face is blank!” :rofl:, Doons

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Just the time in a digital format would be fine (ie. and nothing else - most simple faces seem to have a second hand moving or blinking colon symbol for some reason).

I’ll test the faces linked above and report back :slight_smile:

Do I understand correctly that you are looking for something similar? :slight_smile:

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That will do it, you are a ‘legend’ as we say here in Australia!!

I’m glad I helped, but I seriously doubt it will significantly save battery

Probably minor battery savings but regardless, it looks great alongside the floating volume buttons which @Dr_Andy_Vishnu helped out with!

A lot of fun, this O2!!

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Considering the volume buttons, this would probably be better


Brilliant, I’ll install this one as well!

Btw the volume button app has a white/black-listing function where the buttons can show only when a certain app is running. (just in case anyone is toying around with this).

I like them always on as one never knows when the volume will need to be changed, but it would be simple to remove them from the screen when only the watch face is showing. :wink:


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Is there a way of setting the watch face / display for this minimalist face to ALWAYS ON in the FAW stock launcher?

I’ve tested Universal Launcher, which is a great launcher, but the stock FAW launcher is more intuitive and snappy IMHO - just can’t find a way to set the screen as always on despite trawling the forums here!

No, Stocklauncher does not support “always on”.