(Resolved) LEM T with Ticwris firmware - Google Clock alarms not working

Hi there, Thanks to Mr Ticks’ fantastic videos I purchased the Lemfo Lem T and recently flashed with with the firmware from the Ticwris Max and have been loving it but…

Since installing the firmware and utilising the face unlock my Google Clock alarms have stopped working. I have various alarms all with with sound and vibrate enabled and I have checked the volume is audible but none of my alarms have gone off. No sound or vibration.

Please could someone else with this watch and firmware test and if possible advise how to fix this issue? I have rebooted the watch, uninstalled and reinstalled the Google Clock app and still no luck.

The original Clock app works but doesn’t incorporate Google Assistant Routines like the Google Clock

My initial guess would be that the face lock function has your watch locked and is keeping the alarms from functioning. One way to test it would be to stop using the face lock and see if it works then.

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is the app in the battery cleaner ?


I have Ticwris system.img installed and the alarms from the default clock app are working while using face unlock or not.

If you installed clock (google llc) from the play store you will need to uncheck it from the background cleaner (battery saver) like @Eric_Crochemore mentioned.


Oh dear…

As it was working perfectly well before I didn’t think to check the background cleaner.

Many thanks to @Eric_Crochemore & @Dieter_Lohuis for pointing out this obvious oversite. :smile: I usually turn off background cleaners as Android does a good enough job itself. I’m not sure if i re-enabled it myself or if by accident.

@Jonathan_Bickel I initially thought it may be the lock screen/face unlock so tried removing them before posting.

The Ticwris firmware has definitely been a good update for my Lem T seeing as it’s unlikely we’ll see any updates from Lemfo.

@pablo11 , On top of Ticwris firmware for LEMT or TICWRIS, is it possible to provide a customizable watch face such that on click of Call or Message tiles it can open Google Dialer and google message if present if not open the OOTB dialer and message app ? Those two watch faces are really good but not customizable.

Since the watch firmware by default doesnt show notification bar, it will be helpful to show battery % in number as one of the tiles.

Watch faces are made here - have you put in a request for this?
I’m not saying it’s possible but it is worth asking.