-Shows world city times, outer ring, red dots.
-Sun position and day night ,over earth, upper circle.
-Real time ( sun in zenith) left circle.
-Moon face.
-Night sky map with polar star. Red arrow shows North for Night compass (down circle)
-Date, battery right circle.
Post for 3 time zones, its free for modification , by rotating imgs with PS, for other zones.
Rotate image2.png for city times (15 deg per hour- 360/24)
Rotate earths.png for sun position over earth (15 deg per hour- 360/24)
Rotate stars.png for month rotation for ursa major polaris
position (30 deg per month- 360/12)
No need to edit Clockskin.xml (for universal launcher and lem5 engine)
Just rotate pngs in photoshop, you have to KEEP transparent backround in pngs.
Rotate and test…Rotate and test…
For stars you can use GoogleSky to check if rotation angle
is correct for your place, in order red arrow face north, again Rotate and test…
@Santa_Klaus Same as above, needs rotation 15 degree per hour from gmt +0, clockwise or anticlockwise. It depends of watch engine (lem5 or kw88…) So, rotate and test it…Merry Christmas!