“Raketa-Amphibia” Clockskin. Military "Red Alert" style. “Raketa-Amphibia” specially for extreme diving under ice.

“Raketa-Amphibia” Clockskin. Military “Red Alert” style.
“Raketa-Amphibia” specially for extreme diving under ice. Design is based on the watch model from 1972

Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz6GcQsELGW2dHE0bElzZDNCQ00

Original Design - http://world.raketa-shop.com/raketa-amphibia/119-amphibia-0120.html


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@Lokifish_Marz Thanks! I love USSR military watches. I`ve grown in soviet Russia and officer and military watches were dream of every boy. So i plan to make more of that kind.

Командирских нет? ))

@11111 пока руки не дошли, но сделаю обязательно :slight_smile: