Questions on a "new" A10 watch

I’ve seen this watch listed on Alibaba as a 2024 A10 watch. They show two watches, one is the T-7 and the other is the Z40. Specs on both are the same other than screen size. T-7 says 1.5 in. and Z40says 1.6 in.
Does any one own or have info on either?

Looked at this for around 6 months. For such a high price tag i am not taking the risk


Thanks. It looks like it would be a nice “dress watch”. I’ll keep checking around. Sometimes they’ll advertise a watch with different OS on a different site. That’s my clue to skip it.

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fyi it’s 8.1 that the system is based on

Do you have one?

no, but based off one of the watchfaces provided it might indicate the rom is HSC, and HSC’s roms are always 8.1


New user here. Unfortunately found this forum only after ordering exactly this watch…

Bought this believing it would be a noname/unbranded LEM16. But then only later noticed the extra button on the left and started investigating and found that the specs differ almost everywhere I find this same watch.

Mine is supposed to have an AMOLED screen, Android 10 (11 based on one review…) and 2mp front camera and 8mp side camera. But now I’m starting to have doubts.

It should arrive any day now, so if you have any things you want me to test/check before trying return it. I’m happy to help if it can be of help for example to warn people or inform about whats what with this specific watch type :blush:

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Before you return it try running Device info on it to see the actual specs. I’d love to see the results.

There is a free version of this app in playstore as well.