Watch is very different.
So are the new 5.1 round android watches vs the “old” android watches. I would even dare to say the square ones available at the moment are more similar to the old round watches than the new round watches are to the old ones, when referring to watch faces. It would just be a new section…it’s not like I am currently going to the kw88 section to learn about my finow x5… it would be the same as that.
Thanks @Lokifish_Marz ! That was, to date, the best explanation yet as to why not put square watches on the community. That was what was needed I had no idea there were already so many square 5.1 watches. I only know what I see on gearbest, smart watch ticks channel, xda and here in the community, and all I have seen so far are those two, Q1 and D6. Since that is the case I fully support your (owners/moderators) opinion. Keep up the good work and I hope I haven’t “nagged” too much on this issue
YES MEINEN FUHRER,are jokes still allowed? cos that was 1,dont ban me plzzzz im on ur side, NO1 D5 for life well i say life i actually mean til i see something better
@Bruno_Ferreira_cvigt thanks Bruno.
I guess my explanation could have been a little more precise. At least you now know that we didn’t just do this because we’re control freaks. It really was just a case of do something quite well or try to do everything and it will end up being done very badly.
I thinks it’s time to unpin this message. Everyone has taken notice, lessons have been learned, excuses are made.
Anyway - noted, but I’ll leave it up to the owner to make that call @Lokifish_Marz .
@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 Wasn’t it you who posted this message?
@Lokifish_Marz Indeed…
Good afternoon friend!
sorry ignorance and a little practice. You could give me a hand? because all the faces that low can not bring up the steps and cardiac frequency . only the battery and temperature. You have some configuration to do or handle automatically. thank you and excuse the lack of practice .
@Eliseu_Jonsson please ask in the watch face section.