Original stock firmware for Zeblaze Thor Pro 3G Smartwatch

Thanks for the links Sidjones1. I´ll give it a try on my Thor Pro (o:

I spent days and days on Google trying to find it Mario… finally got it and wanted to share with others like me. Pretty easy instructions if you look at the PowerPoint. Make sure your watch is TURNED OFF before you connect it. Best of luck :slight_smile:


Im confused. Wheres the link to it? Lol.

bicboi69… try this… Clip & paste…best of luck!

Anybody have a source for this version: XY_C5_X300_KY16_v1.6_20180914
Is what my watch came with, but this version had zeblaze logo and was named thor pro and not x300.

Have since tried other versions and now I can’t find this anywhere.

Can someone upload firmware XY_C5_X300_KY16_v2.1_20181201?

Dec 5, 2018 0:00:13 GMT 1 aurox76 said:
Can someone upload firmware XY_C5_X300_KY16_v2.1_20181201?

yes please we need this update. pablo11

It’s here


But 2.1 is out there now so hopefully someone can grab that

Dec 7, 2018 0:54:37 GMT 1 sephiroth555999 said:
It's here


But 2.1 is out there now so hopefully someone can grab that

tomorrow we will be here ,pablo11 got it.

Any progress with this?

Nobody has this 2.1 version to share?

Dec 12, 2018 21:01:05 GMT 1 metalhead said:
Nobody has this 2.1 version to share?

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Downloading now…

Worked like a treat and cured both wrist on and pedometer that were not working!

yeah definitely much better,this watch is the best so far,i got a full day of battery life and for the way that i use it use at work,dust,water and all conditions,no other watch can’t beat this one i have like 6 months wearing the watch

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Do you atill have this watch? I do, but now it has ghost touch, sometimes gets normal. I love it cause it has transflective-screen, the only downside is I still can’t manage to keep connection with watchdroid :sweat_smile:.

This has BT calling etc and was the last version I think… :thinking:

Woww, latest version but still has Bluetooth call function, huge thanks mate :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2: