OK, not sure how this works.

OK, not sure how this works. This isn’t mine, but I’ll give it the majority of my votes to be a replacement stock skin. Here’s Andrew’s original comment introducing this (I don’t think he has officially posted it yet). He’s replying to taking the idea of expanding the blinking colon for blinking any picture all the way to a true ticking second hand (60 separate second hand poses). You can see his watch working in the beginning of my YouTube full review video of the FINOW X1. Here’s his comment post:

Andrew Somers
Not sure if you saw my post answering Alessandro Domingos question about simulating quartz movement on the 2nd hand (Still getting used to this Google+, I can’t seem to reference posts here)
But I extended your “colon blink” idea to the digital seconds. Each digit is an image, so instead of a digit I set it to a picture of a 2nd hand at a certain rotation, it gives a nice clean snap to each second. Anyway check it out here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BysDzZ6Uvo9nQ3BDdGJ2TlpSX0k

What about your cover picture design… Is this animated face available ?

What about your cover picture design… Is this animated face available ?

Hey I just stumbled across this post. For some reason I didn’t get any notification. The watch in the picture is a work in progress (actually shelved, but I may get around to finishing it)