OK here is the problem... l have three layers.

OK here is the problem… l have three layers. layer 1 is the bg (background) layer 2 is the year_array. layer 3 is the face. Layer 3 has a transparent cut out section in it so you can see through to layers 1 and 2. when writing the clockskin_array l list the order of them as described above 1,2 and 3. layer 2 (year) is aligned with the cut out on layer 3 (face) so l can see the last 2 digits of the year ‘2017’. When l load this into the KW88 the year does not appear at all … anyone want to try this for themselves and let me know how you get the year to show on the face

You can simply use the 4 digit year array and put a mask over the first 2 digits

first thing l thought of was a mask and while it worked just fine on ClockSkin Makers simulator it did not work on the KW88

i’ve realised it will not work because if l use a ‘day_array’ it will default to today’s date and not year :frowning: