Ok budget friendly watch recommendation for newbie?

Full android watches. Wow. What an interesting and niche topic.
But good its irritating there’s like a million manufacturers and then they have million slightly different models and same watch can be sold for such a different prices in different names.

I’m so glad to finally discovering this Forum. But to be honest I’m even more overwhelmed after starting to read everything written here.
And I’m to tired just to read i feel like it is time to just buy one and start playing with it.

Preferably square or rectangular screen, those round ones seem unnerving, but if round one beats square one I’m fine with it as well. Preferably with camera nothing fancy just for video chat. I don’t care much about specs. More like built quality that’s better then Chinese manufactured waste. Battery that would last one tour in forest or a mountain path.

I’m actually dailyng old as hell huawei phone with 4gb ram and android 9 and have no problem with it so anything over would be like a space ship for me. And the watch I’m wearing atm is good old f91.

From my own research LOKMAT APPLLP 4 MAX looks most appealing. But I’ve only learned about existence of FAW 5 days ago so I’m not confident about it at all

Best regards


I just purchased a Vwar S9 FAW for my first, and after 3 days… I really love this. I’m wishing I’d gotten a FAW a decade ago now. It seems to really meet my needs and keep me from scrolling; when it inevitably breaks, I already plan to upgrade; if not even sooner!


Yeah The last one i was looking into and was about to buy was s9 also. I just can’t understand how there are so many different versions of s9 also. There’s s9 ultra elite, ultra 3, ultra 2 etc and they all seems to me same. I guess just Chinese marketing fashion. I gave up on Faw for time being just to see if anything will change by this year in this market. But please keep me updated how was the experience with it and when did it eventually inevitably break. I would still love to give it a shoot

I just got the regular s9 because it had 32GB of RAM for the same price as the Ultra with 16GB. They were the only two I could buy with American radios. It was 80 bucks and everything WORKS; if not well. Try it out!

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