No1 D5 story of the day...

No1 D5 story of the day… you may remember that a month or so ago I locked myself out of my car… more correctly, I locked my keys, wallet and phone in my car!.. simmed-up D5 to the rescue - phoned the breakdown recovery and problem resolved…
Well, yesterday my D5 came to the rescue again… whilst driving home from work, the car in front of me suddenly veered to the side of the road and came to a halt… I stopped and went to check that all was okay… the young lady driver was having a fit, violent convulsions and frothing heavily from her mouth… she was on her own and her car doors we locked… after a quick call to the Emergency Services and a short wait, an ambulance arrived and whisked her off to hospital… luckily, by this stage, she had regained consciousness…
Well done D5…

@Andrew_Davis ​ another one of your amazing episodes :+1:
@Lokifish_Marz ​ is right of course. A very good watch is something you always have on your wrist.