Hi, I’m new to this forum and to full android watches, though for a previous watch I used Facer’s tool to make my own faces.
So, excuse a couple of questions please …
1/ So far I’ve been able to download all of the faces I’ve looked at here on to my new LEM 14. I see references to Stocklauncher and Universal Launcher in posts … if I’m going to make my own faces for my watch, should I be making a choice for one of these launchers, and if so, which one?
2/ Is there a way of finding specific functions on watches? I’m particularly interested in the steps function (I know - peasant!) but the tag search doesn’t find any.
3/ Has anyone with the LEM 14 been able to get the stock weather app to work? It says it can’t use/find the location, though every other app that needs it, can.
Finally, just to say I think the faces posted here are fantastic. I’m on my 4th smartwatch and this collection is far and away the best set I’ve seen.
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You can use watchface designer wfd to create faces. Usually stock launcher faces will work with universal launcher as it has more features like watchmaker faces support (not full)
You can search for clockskin wiki to get all information you want.
sr can u make ben10 watch face for optimus 2