Need advice on picking one these watches… lemfo Les 1 or zeblaze thor?
If you own any of these, do you mind giving me some feedback. Thanks
Zeblaze Thor only!
@Edgar_quintero agree with @Sher_Akiloff - if you have to choose between these two - get the Thor. I think the new X5 Air is cheaper though - at the moment.
Both watches have exact same OS, identical. Lemfo seems to come with better stock faces but more can be added through wifi download on each. The launcher by Eric Crochemore is truly invaluable and enables countless face downloads on both devices (zip files and .watch types). This community and Watchawear are two popular places to find them. I chose the Zeblaze Thor because it has the more stylish and quality look to it, imo.
Well thanks everyone, I guess I’ll get myself a zeblaze thor.