I found a watch on Ali Express that specs out like the LEM14. It arrived today. On power up it has the Rogbid splash screen. System settings about shows it is a Rogbid Brave pro. When I check it out with Device Info HW+ it shows it as a LEMFO S10pro.
Don’t get me wrong. It works great so far & with the FAW I loaded. I just found the mix of make and model funny. It reminds me of the older Rogbid S08 that I bought from Rollme.
Im running it through the paces now. All the specs im seeing in HW+ app match what is claimed on a LEM 14. I know that Rogbid and Lemfo both had versions of this same watch.
It is the same watch as mentioned many times here on this forum when it came out.
Ckyrin is the factory.
Rogbid and Rollme are their brands and LEMFO is a customer of Ckyrin.
The ODM is Wiiteer who sold the solution to Ckyrin.
This price is extremely high for very old stock as the battery etc, will be prone to early death.
Being desperate is one thing - but buying stock made over 3 years ago is very risky indeed.
But you already know this @Jeffrey_Swarens and commented on it a year ago in the LEM 14 thread…
I’m old and mentally unsound - but what’s your excuse
Interesting information. This particular watch looks well though by appearance . I did a reverse picture search but yielded no results on Taobao. I usually find products there a good bit cheaper than on Ali Express. Same for watches’ batteries by the way