My new clock skin.

My new clock skin. On shield semi transparent analog clock with streak effect behind the seconds hand?, analog battery level, analog weekday, analog 24h, digital: 24h clock, full date, temperature, weather (climacon color icons), heartrate and steps. First version with the turn of the globe works only Eric Universal Launcher, second version without a globe works normally.

1st version

2nd version


It’s a pity that the drive will not be downloaded …

@Szabo_Tibor What’s the problem?

The watchface on GoogleDrive can not be downloaded because it only permits it one by one. Since there is no direct download link. There is a download button but this is just a preparation and compression. What it takes for 10 minutes, but then starts the same from the front. That’s why the links are useless, although some very w.face are available here

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