My latest creation is a symbol from the Harry Potter movies.

My latest creation is a symbol from the Harry Potter movies.
Namely a Deathly Hallows Watchface.

With twinkeling stars.
And a magical Weekday , Day and Power indicator.



I’m not a big Potter fan, but this face looks great!

@G1NT0N1C Thanks!!!

Please can someone make this in vxp? :pray:t2:

@Saulo_Cesar I have this question also asked on another community.
So that my daughter also can put it on her watch.
And if they make it for me i let you know.

@bricky_vl wow. Thanks

@Suraj_Anand .Vxp are files that is being used for other kind of smart watches

@Saulo_Cesar Here is the download link for the .vxp watchface.
With special thanks to @11155
Who has converted this watchface.

@bricky_vl Thanks again. I will try it now. :wink:

Wow! Stunning. Thank you.