My last Tintin watch for Sunday Funday... the Omega "Tintin" Moonwatch...

My last Tintin watch for Sunday Funday… the Omega “Tintin” Moonwatch…

When you send your payment donation don’t forget to put “Tintin” in the subject/reference…

Amazing, simply beautiful. Thanks @Andrew_Davis .

Excellent i like it…

Excellent mate :+1:

This is an outstanding face - does anyone know if & how I can load this onto a KW88?

Hi TB… a way hasn’t been found yet…

OK thanks for the response - shame. Will keep my eyes out in this community. TB

So georgous by its sleek design. This must look amazing on Amoled.

Excelente face

@Andrew_Davis Could you please also send me the transparant back[lane for this one?

This might need a bit of tidying up…

Hi William… I thought that I’d sent you these by email at the end of August… but I’ve just sent them again…

I remember you did send them to me, but I’ve got a couple of problems reconciling everything. To put this all together I go through the posts one by one and extract the info from there so as not to miss any (or duplicate any in the case I have them in more than one place). When I build the individual reference pages they consist of the name of the watch file folder, the link to the G+ developer’s page where it is posted, and a thumbnail photo of the watch face. In the ZIP file the user gets, if they are interested in the watch face, they follow the link to the developer’s G+ post and use the developer’s download link from there. In this case (and other’s I am finding), the ‘customer’ will follow the link but be stuck like I am without a download link. I can, indeed, download the watch face folder from what you sent me and put it on the video, and build a page to this post, but the ‘customer’ will be stuck at that point. Either you or I or both will get asked for the link to download it, and we both get sidetracked to satisfy that request. Sadly, because of this, it seems best just to leave out watch faces from the video review that don’t include links to the actual face for download. After all, that’s probably ultimately what someone watching the video would want.

I’d like to encourage you and others developing watch faces to make sure the downloadable link is available in the post along with homage sources, paypal links, etc.

Thanks Andrew!

Hi William… that must take ages… from what you say, it sounds better that you leave my faces off your videos… keep up the good work…

Yea, this is getting way complicated now. I’m pretty burned out on the time it takes to adhere to each and every homage and attribution, plus finding watch corrections and updates now buried within the comments rather than the main posting being updated. Seems easier to just say “All the watch faces in this video are featured here: [link to W806/812/815 Custom Faces]”, and let the viewer look them over directly.

I still, of course, need to download them myself in order to put them on the monthly videos, and that’s OK. I enjoy playing with them, especially on the X5. It’s this grand ZIP file process which has run amuck.

I’ll include the faces you have direct links to in the August batch, 'cause it is already done, and we’ll release this baby and bath water downstream for September on. Since I won’t be providing separate links after that, I can include any and all faces for which I have files. The viewer can discover which are direct and which are PayPal access and decide at the time what to do. Besides, a whole new process may be afoot with Loki’s new Forum creation, and watch faces may end up migrating there anyway! One thing for sure, this is dynamic territory.

@SmartWatch_Ticks yes indeed…