Motley Crue Shout At The Devil (Series)

Did something out of the ordinary for a watch face…decided to use textures with emboss symbols of metal/rock bands…First one is Motley Crue…the only spot that does not have some kind of effect on it is the weekday and day function…the windows for them have effects on them but not the function…And since I did not want the bands name to be covered up I made the hands to go behind the name…with the band members names in alphabetical order around the brush flat bezel with screws. only difference is the background being implemented…Enjoy…

FYI - As some of you can only guess…I have 4-5 more bands started but will see how the first one turns out before uploading more…(Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, AC/DC, Whitesnake, Deep Purple & etc.)

Version 1


Version 2


Version 3


Version 4


Credits -, Motley Records - Wikipedia, Motley Crue Logo & Pentagram symbol

Dropbox Link - Version 1, Version 2, Version 3 & Version 4