Minecraft Watchface -v2

Good evening friends. As suggested by @iscle, I made another Minecraft watchface with the mc clock as the background.

The following animation will make the movements of the clock clear

Credits:- Marco_Ferreira’s WFD, Minecraft.net

Click here to download


PS There are 16 frames in total for the clock, and I had to use each frame 3 times (48 images) with speed of 2 frame/hr to make it work. Is there any way to make the face use 16 frames for 24 hours at 2/3x speed, i.e framerate of 1/5400fps or 0.00018518518? I tried editing the xml to match the value but it didn’t work (only works with 1x or 2x). Thanks in advance.

So, it’s a frame-rate. You can’t use 1/2 of a frame. You must use the whole frame. That being said, the number of hours / number of frames = an integer value. :nerd_face:

Hmm…but framerate should mean the speed at which the frame changes (frames per hour in this case), that is no. of frames/no. of hours
If it’s 1/2x, then that should mean that it should change once in 2 hours
So 2/3x(not3/2, sorry) should mean the frame should change twice in 3 hours(once in 90 mins), leading to 16 frames in 24 hours
or shouldn’t it? Cuz it didn’t work for me