Lunar lander ” Chandra yan 2 ” of India requested by @mehul1

Chandrayaan 2 is India’s second mission to the moon. This time, it won’t just be orbiting the moon, it’ll be landing on it. Although the images provided are “weak”, when reduced to the size of your watch, I doubt that will be very noticeable… .



Red Moon:

White Moon:

CREDIT: Images from India’s Space Agency

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Thank you @doubledad. I am highly obliged. I liked this watch face very much. If you have included ISRO symbol then it would have been great,but thank you for your hard work and prompt action. By the way this was my first watch face request and you are first who did this for me, I will remember you for the rest of my life.
Warm regards Mehul

Thank you for your response… I have added the ISRO symbol !

Thank you @doubledad but ISRO symbol is not added in zip file.
Regards Mehul

One more request please change the color of moon to normal white color. Thanks

Now, you have a choice… Graphically, I prefer the Red Moon

Now it’s ok :ok_hand: @doubledad. Red Moon occurs when there is eclipse and eclipse are not believed good. Tomorrow it’s eclipse !!! Thank you very much for taking trouble and changing to what I want.
Warm regards