Lumix fourteen I present my latest clockskin Lumix 14

Lumix fourteen

I present my latest clockskin Lumix 14.
Not for Wacthmaker!

Designed, and made by me, in Photoshop, and CSM.

Cool sharp background , glow effect with
yellow color, looks good on our watches

Simple, just battery level, 24Hr clock, and second second! :slight_smile: hand on the face.

Free to use for everyone to everytime in this community… :slight_smile:
Do not reshare!

Don’t forget to comment and :+1: when you like it :slight_smile:


Very tidy looking!! :?)

That was awesome bro you don’t have any Fourth of July watch faces hidden in your secret collection LOL

@Kendel_Surette sorry…not have.

nice yellow, thanks.

Yellow face, yellow face, :musical_score:, great thanks

Nice work :+1::+1::+1:

Stunning mate :slight_smile: @zsolt_m

All those Lumix skins was REALLY GREAT.

Are there any minimal possibility that can be uploaded again??

Moved to lost faces

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