Low sound on bluetooth - X5 Air

I have root.

I need to increase the sound in bluetooth, it comes very low.

There are third party apps, but I have to call every time I want to.

I already tried with MTK, but it did not work.

Anyone know how I can do it?

thanks in advance

ingles google 

Oct 10, 2017 11:27:09 GMT 1 toze1 said:
I have root.

I need to increase the sound in bluetooth, it comes very low.

There are third party apps, but I have to call every time I want to.

I already tried with MTK, but it did not work.

Anyone know how I can do it?

thanks in advance

ingles google 

yeah,its the same with the previous version, i always hab bad sound on bt with the lem5. you will need to go on like this, seems to be an error in the fw