Lokmat Appllp 4 Pro screen error

I have been using my Lokmat Appllp 4 Pro for about 2 weeks now and am already having problems. My screen no longer responds properly and I can no longer turn off my watch. Scrolling is very difficult and stutters. How can I solve that? I haven’t tried anything yet because I can hardly reach a menu. I didn’t do anything special with it, I just had it on my wrist and wanted to check the time and discovered this glitch. I have not yet sent a message to the seller, please try to solve it yourself first. I bought my watch in the official Lokmat store. My watch is no longer usable now.

First things first. Can you manage to access the menu and factory reset the device ?

This is always the first thing we recommend. If its a hardware issue ( the screen is a problem ) it would have to be returned.


I think I have solved the problem for now.
I pressed the on and off button for a long time and restarted it. Then the problem went away, I think it was due to a watchfaces


Good to hear :+1:

Maybe worth looking back over what you installed just before the problems started


I think it was a dial issue, I’ve had it twice now and each time with the same dial. I was afraid it was the screen or someting with the hard/software, but i found already

Could ,ou offer me a link to this watchface, please? I would like to understand the problem. You can send me a PM.

I don’t think it’s a watch face of yours and I’m not 100% sure that’s why. Because I also use that watch face now and have not had any problems for a long time now (the last days) I go search for how i can send you pm,i dont see this already :rofl: :joy:

I got your PM. Thank you. I’m interested because we can discuss it with the manufacturers in case it’s a bug in the Clockskin Engine. I’ll have a look.
Once again, thank you very much.

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