Lockscreen with password

Is it possible to set up a lock screen or a PIN or password to lock up the display on kospet hope?

Yes, it’s possible, though I don’t know why you would do it. You should be aware that another user has had a problem with the pattern lock before: https://discourse.fullandroidwatch.com/t/patternock-screen-issue/39656

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It is possible by putting the sim into a regular mobile phone and setting up the pin.
Then you should be able to put the sim into the watch and it should allow you to unlock using the pin.
Be aware that you cannot set the pin or change the pin if the sim is inside the watch. It does not have access to the security menu.

I agree with you.
It’s just not something I’ve ever thought was needed and it can cause problems.

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LG has the Knock Code, which wouldn’t be too hard to implement from Kospet’s side, it divides the screen to 4 quarters, and all that matters is the order of the quarters knocked.

Leaving your watch on the table means anybody who has access to it will also have access to your google profile and anything else on your watch. It’s a MAJOR security risk, no matter what you say.

Even asking for the PIN code of the sim after a restart would be easy to implement.

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As I said, if you set a pin on your sim card I believe that the manufacturer has enabled the menu to unlock on reboot.
Only if the pin is set up before the sim is put into the watch.
I haven’t tested it personally but this is what they have told me when I asked them about it.

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I actually managed to do this but I have no idea how. I was playing around with settings in adguard and I checked a box that allowed me to change system settings ,activate lock screen and choose a lock code, if I recall it correctly.
I didn’t like it much and I couldn’t find a way to switch it back , so I ended up doing a factory reset.

so there is a way to activate screen lock, it’s somewhere in the settings :slight_smile:

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If you could reproduce it, please post an instruction. It would be useful for some members.

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yeah, I don’t think I’ll be doing that any time soon cuz, as I said, I’d probably have to do another factory reset afterwards, which I have no desire to do at the present moment.

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Yes - I understand.
It is tricky. As I said before - the simple way is to set the pin while the sim is in any regular mobile phone and then put it in the watch.
The watch should allow you to put in the code to unlock.
Just cannot set the pin on the watch.