Hi everyone!
I just wanted to show of my LemX with Novalauncher setup. It works so great and im infact impressed but what you can do with this wonderful watch. I’ll add some pictures how it can look like… also using double tap to power off and then power back just turning clock.
Im also testing out several floating meny/button solutions to get things even more simple and easy to use. Simple control together with floating backbutton and also a auto hiding circular meny on the right side.
Device is not rooted yet but im about to get that done for the purpose of getting to the powermenu without using hardwarebutton among other things.
Using update from 20190306.
Edit: getting to powermenu worked like charm using
“Simple control” app, it was just me missing the feature. So hardware button getting more and more obsolete!
Really love this clock, going to use it as my main for a while and see if it works as good as i hope. Need to use my reading glasses though
So tell me what u think! Maybe some of U have other cool solutions to show off, id love to see them
Ty all for this wonderful community…
Edit: Didn’t now how to add pictures first but its now updated!
There is one drawback with nova though, i have to use it in the compact mode because the desktop in Nova gets off grid and not centered when using full screen mode. Loosing some of the valuable screen estate.
But its more than functional none the less. Tested a little bit with action launcher and there was no problem using full screen there. Well im goin to test some more launchers soon enough so i will report back