Lemx battery problem

    After several weeks of trying to fix a bad battery drain on my Lemx, I think I must have a bad battery or some other hardware issue. The watch was rooted, but I have now reset it and reflashed stock firmware to it, and the problem remains. At first I just uninstalled all apps from the watch, thinking one or more was draining the battery. GPS and account sync was always off, wifi should have been off when the watch went to sleep mode, but manually keeping it off made no difference. While it was rooted, I tried installing apps like Naptime to help with the system doze mode, and even tried a few apps like Greenify to close apps running in the background, and this did not help. The built in background cleaner seems to have no affect. I would normally take the watch off the charger at about 6am, and by the end of the day, the battery would be at 85 to 92%. Now it is 40 to 55% and I have not changed my usage pattern. If anybody has any ideas I am open to  them, but I cannot think of anything I have not tried. I may try to contact Lemfo, but I am in the US and I do not think they have US based warranty support. I am also going to  try Amazon where I bought it and see if they can help me, otherwise I think I am out of luck.

I don’t know your watch usage, but it looks like a good battery to me, even if it was better before…

Mar 16, 2019 7:14:09 GMT ricktop said:
I don't know your watch usage, but it looks like a good battery to me, even if it was better before...


        I use the watch mostly to be able to see incoming text and phone calls without taking my phone out of the holster. I like being able to quickly reply to text messages from the watch also. I have no sim card in it, so do not use it for calls. Wifi is automatically off when the watch is in sleep mode. For the most part, the only apps I had on the watch were utilities like Buybox,Naptime, or Greenify. I had a root file explorer on it at one point and Firefox, but only used them with an app called Vysor running them from my PC. I cannot use apps on the watch direct as the screen is too small and I find it impractical, and it kills my eyes!  . I only get a few (maybe 8-10 max) calls and messages a day so we are talking about light usage here. A drop off like this is definitely not normal. I have also been getting more messages that the battery is overheating. I thought at first this was due to me playing with the watch, keeping it on while rooting it, etc, but now I am not so sure. Anyhow, it appears Amazon is going to assist me with this. I will let you know how it turns out! Thanks for your response sir!


you are right that does’nt sound right, if you have root install wakelock detector and see what actually wakes the watch.

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Mar 31, 2019 17:41:03 GMT 2 soniasophie9697 said:cranstonsnord

you are right that does’nt sound right, if you have root install wakelock detector and see what actually wakes the watch.


                       I did not think of that! The Amazon seller told me their tech dept would contact me about the watch problem, but that was over two weeks ago, so I may be on my own with this thing. I will try that later today and thank you!


wakelock detector as an amazing tool to monitor the battery status and delete any apps that cause issues and stop them even stock apps of the launcher.

there are more steps that you can take: reset the watch, calibrate the battery (@cpatjon) and as i said use Wakelock Detector.

Apr 2, 2019 16:53:04 GMT 2 soniasophie9697 said:cranstonsnord

wakelock detector as an amazing tool to monitor the battery status and delete any apps that cause issues and stop them even stock apps of the launcher.

there are more steps that you can take: reset the watch, calibrate the battery (@cpatjon) and as i said use Wakelock Detector.


    The problems with my watch continue. Wakelock detector did show a lot of info, and most of what was draining the battery was bluetooth and Magisk. For the umteenth time, I reset the watch and just used it as is, just running the Universal Launcher as the only extra application. I also put the watch in airplane mode and disabled every app I could, but no improvement.  It actually ran down to about 2% earlier this week, an all time low for it. The Amazon seller apparently is not going to do anything about it so I am pretty much out of options. I think I may just end up putting it aside until a new firmware gets released, then wipe it clean again and see if that helps. Lemfo would probably have me send the watch halfway around the world for repair, and I would probably never see the thing again. I have never sent anything overseas and would have no idea how much it would cost to do so.  It may be possible to find a new battery for this device on Ebay, and maybe try to open it up and swap it out, so I may look into doing that at some point. This forum has been a great help to me, and I thank all of you for your support!


Have you tried flashing the watch that help also to reset the memory of the battery usage and also calibrate the battery.

Apr 5, 2019 12:45:10 GMT 2 soniasophie9697 said:cranstonsnord

Have you tried flashing the watch that help also to reset the memory of the battery usage and also calibrate the battery.

   Yes, multiple times! Yesterday I re-flashed it, then did a complete reset and then upgraded it to the latest firmware, the reset it again. I have become a bit of an expert doing that lately!  

There’s nearly no way to open it, it’s glued and fragile, so don’t try.
What duration have you got now ? 20hrs ?

Apr 6, 2019 9:05:15 GMT 2 ricktop said:
There's nearly no way to open it, it's glued and fragile, so don't try. What duration have you got now ? 20hrs ?


       I may get a bit more than 20hours. It varies a bit from day to day. Today I rooted it again using Magisk 19 instead of 18, and installed Naptime. It has been off the charger since just before 9:00 AM and it is 6:20 PM here now. Right now it is at 92%, which is what it used to do daily. Not sure why it is in a good mood today! It is not a total loss at least as it still functions normally!!

 I may have accidently resolved my battery drain issue! About a week or so ago, I noticed the battery was not draining, but then saw that I had turned on airplane mode somehow. Instead of turning it off, I turned on wifi and bluetooth individually and both are working fine. I do not have a sim card in the watch so the mobile network was never active, and I do not turn on GPS. It has been working great ever since!

Also when you flash the latest firmware make sure you chose Format and Download option for cleanest flash :slight_smile:

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Glad I’m not the only one with LEMX battery issues. Mine started acting up a few months ago with the battery randomly giving up at random amounts like 62 percent or 32 etc etc. Fully charged and the drain was really severe. I re-installed the firmware and the same thing happens. Now it’s very random how long the battery lasts or when it shuts down. This is with Wifi off and screen slightly dimmed. Only thing that has been installed over the top is droid watch and that’s it. I’m still not sure if it’s a software issue as I found it odd that there seemed to be more power left than the watch stated as you could make the red charge graphic appear over and over without charging for a long time after so I’m not sure. Any ideas how to fix this? Is there a process I should follow. I’ve not rooted or messed with the device and only used the latest LEMFO firmware. :slight_smile:


I have also major problems with lem X battery …(I have already made factory reset 3 days ago):
Today Lem X did it again

  1. fully charged battery at the morning , didn’t use bluetooth or data networks, only sim cards phone possibilities (factory reset 3 days ago).
  2. At afternoon about 4-5 hours from charging, battery said 92% left , so I decided to test bluetooth and data networks with Internet radio supla .
  3. Connection to bluetooth ear buds succeeded and supla (internet radio) was started and after that battery indicator said no battery 0% and power off.
  4. I connected Lemx to PCs USB power with Lem X cable and after reboot battery status were 72% ???
  5. There must be something wrong with handling battery status

I have basic configuration with wireless update FW (Aug 30th 2018)

So I decided to test with spotifty (with bluetooth ear buds and data connection)

  1. battery status 72%
  2. connection to ear buds succeeded, data networks on, spotify running, no problems .
  3. closed spotify and restarted supla (internet radio) and now it works, battery status 69%
  4. closed bluetooth, data networks and supla application. No recent tasks, cleared memory
  5. battery status 68% (with USB cable charging) Restarted bluetooth, data networks, connected to ear buds and put straight supla on, It works fine …
  6. BUT now LEM X is warming up, so sim cards data network capabilities maybe cause warming… (???)

So this is quite mystical: sometimes lem X loses battery status , sometimes not … sometimes lem X is getting quite warm/hot, any ideas?

I have to check that wakelock app … and maybe it shows something…

Kind Regards, Kari

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Hi Kari . 4g and data on will warm up this watch . Try it with 3g and see the difference .

thanks, I will try that. Wlan is not every where (outside), so I prefer to use mobile data for Internet radio/spotify streams …

br, Kari

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Now I have updated FW to 20190115 build with sp flash tool (Dec 2018 version first and after that wireless FW update). Why lemfo doesn’t straight offer wireless update to 2018 version or JAN 01 version from Aug 2018 release???) …

Just tested with Mobile data (forced to 3G) and bluetooth with ear buds and streaming Internet radio on. It’s still problem, less than an hour working (with good cellular networks.…). And it still warms up a little too much, I think…

Has someone used mobile data, bluetooth ear buds and streaming (spotify or Internet radio) with better luck?

Inside (e.g. at gym), if you can use wlan, the situation is a little better, I can do exercises through (1 - 1.5 hour) and still got battery 45% left…

br, kari

We need battery for lemfo lemx…

Searched all over and could only find this

May work although smaller etc ?