i have been flashing multiple lemfo lemt firmware version and discover the camera does not function properly after flashing,connector is intact,any trick to solve this
Are you sure that you’ve flashed the correct firmware?
yes iam sure
I agree with @G1NT0N1C , you probably flashed a wrong fw.
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yeah,that’s what i’ve been thinking ,i was wondering if there is a command from the adb shell that i can use like insmod to install the non working camera driver, or custom firmware flashing using spflash,any idea would be helpful
you flash wrong FM i have same issue but i whos aware of that i sacrifice camera for gif animations for lemt. if you buy lemt in last year you need v2.1 for camera to work again
hire is stock v2.1 lemt from lemfo with working camera 850.13 MB file on MEGA
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