LBK-Watchface: Wei

Stock launcher friendly.
There are 2 versions included, 1 has the steps counter above the battery counter. the other does not.

Background Source: The source isn’t PG 13.
The artist’s page has a somewhat NSFW artistic background. ->
I’m going to do you a favor and not link directly to the source page. You’re just going to have to trust me on that. It’s a beautiful image.
But it’s beautiful like Cersie Lannister is beautiful, if you’ve never heard of her and know nothing about her. Other than her face… (season 1)

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I think it would be better to make a post for every single face. The reason is that your faces are findable about the preview images then.
Please add a credit link to the side you found the GIF’s.
Good work- by the way!

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I agree with @G1NT0N1C that a post per skin would give you more visibility.
That’s some nice skins anyway. :+1:

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Alright, done. ^_^. I gave credit and linked to the source. As for “where” i found the gif. Some of them, i’ve had for years, like the heartbeat one, which doesn’t have the artist on it. And the artist’s name isn’t so easily found. And some are just obscure like the plum blossom. I tried to translate it using google translate, but it didn’t get me anywhere, and i tried to use reverse image search but that didn’t give me much either.

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