KYR Watchfaces: KYR FastTrack

Available in my blog.

Watchface Features: Analog time (hour, minutes and seconds hands). Date dial with weekday and day. Battery step dial. Steps.

Tap options for compatible watches: Tap in the date dial to open the Calendar. Tap in the battery percent dial to open the Battery Options. Tap in the steps to open the Sports and Fitness app.

New watchface with a sporty or driver look, for those who always try to achieve something fast, no matter if it’s a goal, a destination, or a dream. With a stylish dial and a combination of a dark background with a bright orange color, this watchface will give you a stylish look and, at the same time, a casual style.

If you like sports, running, driving, reaching your goals fast, or you are just looking for a cool and sylish watchface, you must not miss this one!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The tap options in the version for Android 10 ONLY works with the stock firmware, and NOT in the different beta “International FAW firmwares” developed by Full Android Watch and Wiiteer, because some of the apps used changed from one version to another, and others disappeared. Some of them may work, or not, in those firmwares. Keep this in mind if you’re using any of those firmware versions.

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Thankyou as always :+1: very nice


Good job, as usual! Thank you for sharing. :handshake:


@Dr_Andy_Vishnu @G1NT0N1C Thank you, guys!

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